
Manors, Moats and Hedgerows

When we think of “heritage” in our part of the world, we often as not think of the Market Houses and black and white buildings of our town centres. But truth be told, the lanes and footpaths, woods and hedgerows surrounding our towns are as much a part of our heritage as the towns themselves: and often date back even further. 

Ecology and Folklore of our Wild Daffodils

As we move from the cold and darkness of Winter into Spring, the plants, birds and animals of the countryside shall be rousing from dormancy and hibernation. This erstwhile period of reduced stimulation is essential for maintaining reserves of energy for the growth and reproduction that follows. 

Daff Bus Walk

For this varied and interesting 6.5-mile walk we use footpaths, tracks and minor roads. Staring at the PRIVATE estate of Tree Choirs Vineyard, with Special permission for this walk. Passing …

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A Daffodil Walk: Newent to Dymock

This walk follows the old canal from Newent to Oxenhall, and picks up the Daffodil Way at Four Oaks for the last part of the walk. It finishes at Dymock, an easy 5.5 mile walk which includes field paths with a small number of stiles, back lanes and woodland tracks.

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